NR 327 Antepartum/Intrapartum ISBAR

NR 327 Antepartum/Intrapartum ISBAR

NR 327 Antepartum/Intrapartum ISBAR


Chamberlain University

NR-327: Maternal-Child Nursing

Prof. Name


NR 327 Antepartum/Intrapartum ISBAR

I. Identification

NameYour TitleReason for Being ThereClinical DateTime
K.K.Student NurseClinical05/02/xx08:88am

S. Situation

Patient InitialsAgeGravidaTermPretermAbortionLivingEDCLMPGestational AgeSingletonReason for AdmitFetal MovementMembrane Status
K.K.25G1T0P0A0L0N/AN/A27 weeksSingletonSudden increase in weight gain, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, headachePresentIntact

F. Findings

DateTimeFluid ColorAllergiesAttending Physician
05/02/20181:30pmN/ANo known allergiesDr. Hunt Kelly

B. Background

Previous PregnanciesYearType of DeliveryLabor LengthComplicationsPrenatal CareGBS StatusBreastfeeding
LabsComplicationsPast Medical HistorySocial HistoryFamily SupportHome Medications
Rh antigen, CBC, Urinalysis, CMP, blood type, uric acidPreeclampsiaN/AN/AN/APrenatal vitamins

A. Assessment

1:45pm36.9°C (98.4°F)162/9892/min22/min92%8/10140

Labor Status

OnsetStage/PhaseVaginal ExamBlood/FluidPlanned Method of DeliveryFetal Heart Rate PatternContraction PatternFrequencyDurationStrengthLabor Progress

R. Recommendations

Maternal Physical AssessmentIV FluidsCurrent MedicationsLabsActivity
Urine protein present, Deep tendon reflexes (Achilles) 3+ bilaterally, reported right upper quadrant pain, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, headaches, visual disturbances, epigastric pain, facial and pedal edema 3+Lactated Ringers 125ml/hrPrenatal vitamins, hydralazine 5mg, magnesium sulfate 4g IV bolus, magnesium sulfate 2g/hr, sodium chloride, calcium gluconate 1g IV bolus, hydralazine 5mg IV bolusUrinalysis, 24-hour urine collection for protein, CBC, MCP, blood type, AST, uric acid, Rh antigenBed Rest

Discharge Planning

  • Notify provider if abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abnormal swelling, blurry vision, headache, or decreased urine output occurs.
  • Strict adherence to new prescriptions, especially hydralazine for high blood pressure.
  • Follow-up on clinical visits as scheduled.

Plan of Care

Based on the patient’s history, presenting symptoms, lab values, and medications, the patient should be closely monitored for worsening preeclampsia. Fetal monitoring should continue to assess heart rate patterns and movement. The patient should remain on bed rest with IV fluids administered, and blood pressure should be regularly checked. Continue administering prescribed medications and monitor for side effects.

NR 327 Antepartum/Intrapartum ISBAR


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).