POLI 330N Cover Letter – Week 7 Assignment: Final Project – Policy Issue

POLI 330N Cover Letter – Week 7 Assignment: Final Project – Policy Issue

POLI 330N Cover Letter – Week 7 Assignment: Final Project – Policy Issue


Chamberlain University

POLI-330: Political Science

Prof. Name


Kimberly Morton

New York City, New York
‪(347) 582-7284‬

April 13, 2021

Crystal Lake Office

333 Commerce Drive
Suite 700
Crystal Lake, IL 60014

Dear [Recipient Name],

It is with great responsibility and enthusiasm that I submit my research on the current issues negatively impacting telehealth services and the healthcare professionals who provide them. My aim is to draft and propose policies that can address these challenges. As a dedicated research student, I assure you that the recommendations I offer will be crucial in shaping future telehealth policies, and I am eager to collaborate with your office to achieve the shared goals for improving telehealth services.

With the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating problems in healthcare services, such as restricted access, increasing costs, and elevated mortality rates, expanding telehealth services is essential. Healthcare organizations and professionals must enhance these services to address these ongoing issues. Telehealth contributes to improved care quality, increased patient and nurse satisfaction, better access to healthcare, and greater equity in care. Additionally, it promotes the use of advanced technology and aids in reducing healthcare costs, hospital readmissions, unnecessary ER visits, and mortality rates.

However, current policies present various challenges. These include restricted healthcare services and facilities, ambiguous guidelines regarding the use of audio and video technologies, difficulties in obtaining licenses, and barriers to making telehealth a permanent fixture in the healthcare system. I look forward to discussing these issues with you and collaborating to overcome the barriers that stand in the way of making telehealth a permanent and effective healthcare service. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Kimberly Morton

Table: Key Telehealth Issues and Proposed Solutions

IssueChallengesProposed Solutions
Telehealth Service RestrictionsLimited services and facilities available for telehealth.Expand service offerings to cover more healthcare areas.
Policy AmbiguityUnclear guidelines on the use of audio and video technologies.Develop clearer, more comprehensive policies for telehealth technology usage.
Licensing BarriersDifficulties in obtaining licenses for telehealth providers.Simplify the licensing process to encourage more professionals to adopt telehealth services.
Permanent IntegrationBarriers to making telehealth a permanent part of healthcare services.Advocate for policy changes that allow telehealth to be a lasting component of healthcare.



  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Telehealth policy and practice. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org

POLI 330N Cover Letter – Week 7 Assignment: Final Project – Policy Issue